Who We Are
Prestige Writing is owned and operated by two professional writers with decades of experience in writing for print, broadcast and the web.
Phil Sirkin is an M.B.A who began his career with five years of writing for a major American broadcast network, while also training newer writers in professional style. He spent the next 20 years in broadcast and sports journalism, winning awards from the Associated Press and the Society of Professional Journalists, among many others. He has also had freelance work published in dozens of major U.S. newspapers. He has spent the last 10+ years working in online media, writing and doing Search Engine Optimization for his own websites and many others.
Rick Fill-in-the-blank has been a practicing attorney for several decades, and also has spent the last 10+ years researching, writing and doing SEO and search engine marketing for both his own websites and other sites. His work has been published on hundreds of online websites, including dodgy-lawyers.com, rape-pillage-and-plunder.com, and if-you-have-the-money-we-will-sue-them.com.
Phil and Rick work with a talented group of writers with combined decades of experience. But all work produced by the staff is personally proofed and edited by either Phil or Rick before delivery to the client, ensuring the highest quality possible.